About Me

My name is Isaiah Martinez and I am an undergraduate studying Computer Science and Mathematics at CSUN. I am interested in the theoretical aspects of Computer Science and Mathematics involving: time complexity, graph theory, and the analytical, proof-making process. I enjoy making mini-projects and learning new things whilst applying what I already know to complete them. I think that the most challenging thing for me is to find the time to balance my interests, work, and personal relationships. Overall, I enjoy learning new things and applying them to situations that will hopefully make others lives easier. As such, I'm very comfortable with trying new things and often seek to expand the limits of my understanding; even beyond my fields of interest. This extends beyond my academic studies, but also my hobbies, personal relationships, in addition to my very view on life. My goal in life is simple:

To be happy, and bring happiness to others.

In addition to being a computer scientist, I am a musician. I am primarily a bass player and have played in 3 bands previously: an alternative band named 'Rice and Beans', an unnamed jazz band, and an alternative band named 'Phantom Language'. I am currently band-less and have no plans to join a band, but I do enjoy playing and making music in my free time.

To address the elephant in the room, I have a fantastic red mohawk. I have had a mohawk since I was around 8 years old, and intend to keep it until I feel a style change is necessary in my life. Also, just because I have a mohawk doesn't necessitate that I like metal music. Although I do enjoy metal, correlation does not prove causation! In addition, I have 2 cats that I love very much. Their names are Honey and Luna. (see images below). I am very much a cat person, but I do love most animals. I especially like any type of feline (lions, pumas, etc.), any ape/monkey (gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, etc.), sharks, sloths, and penguins.

In my free time I enjoy practicing martial arts, playing/making music, listening to music, coding, playing board/tabletop/video games, and reading manga, manhwa, and books. I'm not much of a movie/show guy, but I will watch them occasionally.
Recently (Summer 2022) I finally saw all of the Star Wars movies and can definitively say that although I like both Star Wars and Star Trek... Star Trek is better.

Black belt card

Black Belt 2nd Dan Card by the WTF and Kukkiwon

WTF - World TaeKwonDo Federation

Images related to my time doing BME research at ECU

Presenting at the Annual BMES Conference in San Antonio, 2022

Me being a test subject for one of the labs at ECU

Me and a pirate statue outside of a walmart in Greenville

My cats

Honey with her paws over the edge of the printer whilst laying down

Honey laying down on the floor next to two of my guitars

Luna sleeping on top of the printer

My palico partner on Monster Hunter: World

Photos with Sensei

Me and Sensei Benny 'The Jet' Urquidez

Me, Sensei Angel (middle), and Sensei Adam (right)
Sensei Adam is Sensei Benny's brother