I'm a multi-instrumentalist with a focus on string instruments. My main instrument is the electric bass.
Below are some photos of my instruments that I have.
I have been in 3 different bands:
An alternative band with high-school friends called "Beans and Rice".
An unnamed jazz band with a different group of high-school friends.
And lastly an alternative band called "Phantom Language".
I am a fan of many different genres of music, ranging from Alternative to Bluegrass to Jazz to Kpop to Reggaeton. I think my favorite and most listened to would be Alternative/Rock followed by Bluegrass and Electronic music. I enjoy listening to many different types of music and appreciating what sorts of instruments, sounds, and melodies are used. Many times I just so happen to be using the internet and find a new genre or artist off of a recommended youtube video/playlist.
I also recommend this Plugin Synthesizer for those who make music. I love it, it's very versatile, and is overall pretty cool.
Electric Guitar 1
Electric Guitar 2