Future Projects
These are projects that I'm considering creating in the future.
Just because a project is listed here does not guarantee that it will be made in the future.
I often think of fun projects and sometimes drop them for various reasons.
Think of these projects as my current interests. Usually they pertain to whatever classes I was taking, or subfield of a genre of study I was previously interested in.
Also, note that not all projects that I make/work on will come from this list.
- Magic square finder
- find an N s.t. N is NOT a carmichael number
- tic-tac-toe
- sudoku + solver
- ML to solve Game
- brick break
- hangman Game
- snake
- monster farm made in Unity (mobile, Console, PC)
- pokemon type calculator website on github
- 2D/3D Maze on personal website
- Basic paint program with exporting
- Clippy like figure that hangs out on screen
- schedule maker
- afk bot in python with any key being pressed ending program
- auto clicker in python
- vtuber model
- grade calculator with diff types of curves
- hertz player to make sounds with gui
- Dice roller with up to 20 dice rolled at a time - cross platform app (android, apple, PC)
- visualizer for different algorithms: Dijkstra, etc.
- Hydra Virus